Pre-Event/ Upstream: pre-event purchasing & catering advice.
Post-Event/ Downstream: conduct a Resource Recovery Sort, weighing all waste materials to determine the diversion rate, & create a report.
How do we 'Zero Waste' your event?
If 90% or more of the total event waste is able to be composted or recycled,
the status of Certified Zero Waste Event is achieved!
During the Event: supervised ZWH Waste Stations throughout your event.
Zero Waste can be achieved through many different ways.
We achieve it through
Strategic Planning & Operations:

Hire our Team to help
'Zero Waste' your next event! ​​
​​​See below our flexible service options cultivated to meet your event's unique needs.
Zero Waste Event & Advising Services
Full Service:
(Estimate for 200-400 person events, filling up 5 drums)
​Zero Waste Event - Complete Service Package
Half Hour Pre-Event Advisory Call
Up to five (5) drums serviced*
Half Hour Resource Recovery Weighing
- Certified Zero Waste Event Certificate
+ Plus!
Pre-Event Hour - 1 hour Zero Waste Pre-Event Set-Up
During Event Hour - 1 hour for ONE (1) Supervised ZWH Waste Station*
Post-Event Hour - 1 hour Post-Event Tear Down & Clean Up​
* The Zero Waste Event - Complete Service Package price is restricted to: five (5) drums serviced, events lasting one (1) hour, & events needing one (1) ZWH Waste Station ONLY.
Each additional drum, hour, and station will be billed accordingly.
Six (6) or More Drums:
Two (2) or More ZWH Waste Stations:
$30 / Drum
$45 per Hour / per Station
Note: On average, 1 station can service 200 - 250 people.
** Zero Waste Houston does not process trash or recycling. Hauling trash or recycling to processing facilities is priced separately based on the current market rates at the time of the event.
Other Zero Waste Services:
Zero Waste Event Advisory Service ONLY
$75 / Hour
Pre-Event Planning Review & Recommendations for catering & supply purchase decisions.
Manage Your Own Event - Drum Delivery ONLY​
Delivery Trip Charge:
within the 610 Loop
Drum Rental & Food Waste Haul:
charged at pick-up
$30 / Drum
$195 / Delivery Truck
(MAX 28 drums/truck)
Pick-Up Trip Charge*:
for all pick-ups with less than six (6) drums
*Pick-Up Trip Charge will NOT be charged for loads with seven (7) or more drums. ​​​​​
​** Zero Waste Houston does not process trash or recycling. Hauling trash or recycling to processing facilities is priced separately based on the current market rates at the time of the event.
Why make your event a Certified Zero Waste Event?

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
- Reduce Food & Plastic Waste
Supports a Small Business
Community Building
Earn an achievement badge that’s great for company PR!
Make Compost!